1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ذ ّ ١! ٢@ ٣# ٤$ ٥% ٦^ ٧& ٨* ٩) ٠( -_ =+ ⇽ Bksp
Tab ضَ صً ثُ قٌ فلإ غإ ع ه÷ خ× ح؛ ج> د< \|
Caps شِ سٍ ي] ب[ للأ اأ تـ ن، م/ ك: ط" ↵ Enter
⇧ Shift ئ~ ءْ ؤ} ر{ لالآ ىآ ة و, ز. ظ؟ ⇧ Shift
Ctrl Alt Space Alt Ctrl

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This app is made to learn on a device with keyboard such as computer or laptop. In general it's required a screen with 800px width to open.

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Exercise Guide

In this exercise you will practice how to type the letter ت

Put your fingers right and keep your eyes on the screen only.
The blue mark help you to type on the next character.