English Tutorial Overview

Aim of this tutorial

This tutorial is made to make learning English very easy and fun as you can hear the spelling of every single word and sentence by clicking on it.

Each lesson contain several tests at the end where you can test yourself to be sure that you are understand the rules.

So this tutorial will teach you the English grammar as well as improving your listening and reading.


It is aimed for everyone who wants to learn and review English whatever their levels. And it will help you to prepare yourself to the ILETS or TOEFL exam.

Any words or sentences with a play button, you can click on it to hear its corret spelling.

English is fun.

Make sure that the sound level is not lowe hear the sound.


  • You don't need any previous knowledge to start learning.
  • It's better to bring a notebook to take notes.

How do I evaluate myself?

At the end of every lesson there are a lots of exercices that you can practice and solve to make sure that you understood the lesson.


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