Cardinal and ordinal numbers

Test 1

Choose the right way to read the numbers.

  1. 1994 One thousand nine hunderd ninety-four --- One thousand nine hunderd forty-nine --- Nineteen nine four
  2. 1st, 2nd, 3rd One, two, three --- First, second, thirty --- First, second, third
  3. 34th Thirty-fourth --- Thirty-four --- Forty-third
  4. 1/2 Quarter --- Half --- Third
  5. 1/4 Quarter --- Half --- Third
  6. $50 Fifteen dollars --- Fifty dollars --- Fifty dollar
  7. €2.20 Two euros and two cents --- Two euros and tweenty cents --- Two point tow euros
  8. 0.03 Zero point three --- Point zero zero three --- Point zero three
  9. 100th Hundredth --- hundred --- One hundred
  10. 1,000,000 One thousand --- One million --- One billion

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3


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